Patient Perception and Behaviour: Involvement in decision making
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Commentary - Journal of Contemporary Medical Education (2021)

Patient Perception and Behaviour: Involvement in decision making

Yi Li*
Department of Health, Asia University, Taiwan
*Corresponding Author:

Yi Li, Department of Health, Asia University, Taiwan, Email:

Received: 25-Aug-2021 Published: 22-Sep-2021


The health care management and administration works on the patient’s wellbeing. For the patient to receive relief and cure there must be mutual understanding and attitudinal changes. Hospital administrator need to be cautious in satisfying both doctor and patient without causing any damage. The patient cause is supported highly than the hospital’s cause. At times, it is difficult to bring change in the patient’s attitude. To improve communication and patient satisfaction patients should be given a chance to talk. When a patient is given chance to speak freely, it actually takes less time to summarize their problems. The doctor needs to be an active listener. There are significant clues when we listen in between the lines and watch the body language of the patient. Many doctors believe using yes-no question is more efficient and productive. But it may not be the best information to make accurate diagnosis. It comes from being a sincere listener to the patient’s complaint, followed by discussion about symptoms and issues. Then a physician must make sure that the patient understands the risks and benefits of therapy and treatment. The case should be discussed in the presence of patient with the family around. Discussion behind the patients back can lead to anxiousness in the patient about the nature of the illness. The physician’s assurance on the outcome should be modest, conservative, so that hopes are not raised. One needs to understand the patient’s personality, medical and family history, health care experience and economic status to decide how the assumptions should be made. The doctors may make notes of the patient’s nonmedical subjects so that the patients will be assured; they are not a mere problem to be fixed. One needs to educate the patient about their decisions, consequences and then provide advice to help them choose a better decision. This shows the respect, a physician has towards the patient. At emergency situation, one may take quick action without patient consent. Communicating beneficially with the family of a patient, particularly when the patient is very sick is a skill that is learnt over many years of clinical practice. Proper communication between a physician and any member of a family is very important as they get anxious and the anxiety is conveyed to the patient which impacts the patient’s progress. A simple reassuring from the physician that he knows what it is to have a sick relative in his family and how he is going to do the very best he can, will go a long way in quieting troubled minds. As patients have choice of health care providers, the doctors can create an environment of practice that encourages improvement, innovation and personal attention to the patients. Physicians may lead the patients to good health and it also improves the physicians practice with medicine. A motivational approach succeeds when it provides for personal need satisfaction through the performance of work i.e. when it satisfies the conditions of path need motivation. Thus under right conditions, directedness, paternalistic attitude and participation may all be consistent with human relations philosophy of management. A hospital administrator needs to make a balance in satisfying the patients and the physician.



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The authors declare no conflicts.