International Conference on Clinical Research and Case Report

Awards 2020 - Journal of Contemporary Medical Education (2021)

International Conference on Clinical Research and Case Report

Vitaly Koltover*
1Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
*Corresponding Author:

Head Research Scientist. Vitaly Koltover, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Email:

Published: 26-Mar-2021

Pulsus Group cordially welcomes all participants around the world to attend “International Conference on Clinical Research and Case Reports – Clinical Research 2020” which will be as a Webinar on June 29-30, 2020. The theme of the conference is “Innovations and Approaches in Clinical Trials and Clinical Research”. The experts can deliver the idea by Poster sessions, Exhibition, keynotes, speaker forum and Young research forum. The purpose of Clinical Research 2020 conference is to develop interest, transaction of ideas, stimulate research, planning for diagnosis, prohibition, remedy and recovery using clinical trials and research. The main aims is to bring renowned academicians, researchers, scientists, medical practitioners, postdoctoral fellows and trainees from universities, institutes and research centres along with presidents, directors, managers, CEOs, business delegates and other industry professional from various pharmaceutical companies, medical devices manufacturing companies and Clinical research Organizations under one roof to discuss and exchange their research ideas and innovative techniques on the current research methodologies and advanced approaches in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and research. Clinical Research 2020 will be mainly focusing on the introduction and adoption of some breakthrough that are going to accelerate the drug discovery and development, these may include Artificial Intelligence, Biotherapeutics, use of Information Technology tools and approaches in Pharma sector, Nanomedicine and few others. The event is also providing salient perspective on the currently ethical and regulatory challenges being faced by the pharmaceutical industry.

With the sole aim to enhance excellence in the field of healthcare, Pulsus group always appreciates the outstanding performers and attendees though its events by offering awards. The organization has categorized the awards based on groups in which participants prefer to join. These categories includeBest keynote speaker, best speaker, best thesis work presentation, best poster and best organizing committee member. Awards have played an important role in boosting performer’s capability and zeal to perform better than others. Getting an award on a global platform can help participants reflect their skills and career progress. Sometimes it is more a matter of adequately highlighting concrete evidence of skills and achievements the performers have already secured.

Best Poster Award

poster presentation is a way of presenting research to audiences in a visual format. It provides unique opportunity to combine visual as well as oral explanation of a topic. The accepted poster abstract is published in supporting international journals with unique DOI. This award also gives an opportunity to publish full work in supporting international journals. Posters are evaluated based on the following criteriapresentation style, research quality and layout.

Best speaker award: this award is given to individuals for their excellence in research work and competency of oral presentation.

Best Organizing Committee member award: organizing committee of an event plays a crucial role in the successful execution and completion of event throughout the event duration. This award is given based on affiliation, expertise and experience of the concerned committee member. It also evaluates the ability to comprehend the various sessions along with attendees at the event.

Best thesis work presentation award: this category is awarded to the postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers in response to their research work competency and ability to present.

Young Research Award: is an initiative with the intention of supporting young researchers (students) in their quest to advance the frontiers of concerned fields. Young Scientist Award offers worthwhile incentives to Researchers who have shown great potential in their fields of expertise.Young Scientist Award recognition certificate and memento to the winners. The Clinical Research 2020 provides best Platform for research through oral presentations. It also provides an opportunity for research interaction and established senior investigators across the globe in the field.It also gives budding scientists and researchers to sharetheir ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors. It showcases your research through oral presentations.

Best keynote speaker award: it is given to the concerned expert individuals based on their expertise in a field and who has wide recognition due to their accomplishments. The selection of individuals is also determined by their ability to draw attendees to attend the event.


Citation: Vitaly Koltover. International Conference on Clinical Research and Case Report. J Contemp Med Edu. 2021; 11(3): 09-10.

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