Volume 9, No 1 (2019)
Original Research Article
Medical and allied health students' self-regulated learning: The interplay between
motivational beliefs and learning strategies
Flemmings Fishani Ngwira, Mary Kamwaza, Sufyan Rashid, Grace Boby, Grace Kadzakumanja
J Contemp Med Edu. ; 9(1): 1 - 11
Original Research Article
Evaluation of effectiveness of Integrated clinical case based modules learning when
compared to the traditional curriculum with didactic Lectures
Jessica Dasari, Niharika Anand, Sayanth Raj, Imran Shareef Syed, Jagan Nadipelly
J Contemp Med Edu. ; 9(1): 12 - 16
Original Research Article
The impact of early exposure to standardized patient interviews on communication
skills among pre-clinical BA/MD students: A mixed methods study
Edwin Kraemer, Nathan Driskill, Angellar Manguvo, Jennifer Quaintance
J Contemp Med Edu. ; 9(1): 21 - 33
Education Section
Learning by teaching: Role of "peer-assisted learning" in medical education
Kashinath Garkal, Anjali Shete, Nanda Somwanshi
J Contemp Med Edu. ; 9(1): 17 - 20
Techinal Note
Health professions education in the 21st century: A contextual curriculum framework
for analysis and development
Adetunji Obadeji
J Contemp Med Edu. ; 9(1): 34 - 40