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Hybrid problem-based learning radiology module in an integrated medical curriculum Al-Baha faculty of medicine experience


Fahd Nasser AlQahtani , Ihab Shafek Atta

Introduction: Al-Baha faculty of medicine has adopted an integrated, system-based block curriculum. This paper represents an innovative experience to insert the Radiology module to the 4th year of Al-Baha faculty medical students, as a part of integrated based learning. This module adopts different instruction modalities for teaching and assessment. The teaching tools include a hybrid mixture of lectures, problem-based learning (PBL), HPT, self-directed learning, and seminars. Assessment tools include quizzes, continuous, objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), clinical, and final written exam. Quizzes and final written exam comprise multiple choice questions, extended matching questions, and case scenario. Aim: The aim of our work was to investigate the effectiveness of inserting PBL in radiology teaching in comparison with other teaching and learning activities as a step to alleviate our instruction methods of both teaching and assessment. This investigation is done through evaluation of PBL construction according to the module learning objectives and how these PBL met with achieving the objectives through doing item analysis for each assessment tool. Results: Our results showed that most of learning objectives (81%) applied to PBL has been achieved more in clinical, OSCE, and written exam (85%, 80%, and 77%), respectively. Conclusion: PBL as an instruction tool is of great value in radiology teaching and of high efficacy especially if well-constructed and met with the module learning objectives.