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Evaluation of the Learning Methods and Skill Among Non PG Resident Doctors During their First Year Residency by using DOPS as an Assessment Tool: A Cross sectional study


Lakhan Singh*, Md Sagil, Hemlata Thakur and Robin Lakra

Aim: To assess the skill and learning methods among non PG junior residents.

Objectives: 1.To assess the skill of resident doctors.

2. To assess the practice of various learning methods among the resident doctors.

Study design: No of participants-15 (All non PG first year resident) doctors of Department of Medicine including allied subjects are observed in this study. Patient who needs pleural aspiration, ascitic fluid aspiration and lumbar puncture will be allotted to each junior resident during study period.

Methods: Patient who needs pleural aspiration, ascitic fluid aspiration and lumbar puncture will be allotted to each junior resident during the study period. The resident skill will be assessed by observing them and using checklist rating it by 7-10 point which includes knowledge about the procedure, informed consent, pre-procedure, analgesia etc. by using DOPS as an assessment tool. The residents are allotted second time to a different patient, but procedure is same for demonstration and observation of procedural skill. After observation of skill, a personal interview will be conducted on pre-designed oral questionnaire based proforma to assess the practice of various self- directed learning method among resident doctors. The resident who score <50% and those who score >50% were divided in to two groups and observed for various learning approaches of residents doctors who performed well as compared to other.

Result: The response of Non-PG students learning technique as face to face which is more effective than comparison to web or e-learning method by using all three procedure which is also statistically significant (p<0.05). Overall, the scores of ≥ 50% i.e. 60% has found in face to face/bed side clinic method is greater than whereas 40% has found in web/other methods.

Conclusion: The response of Non-PG students learning technique as face to face and bed side demonstration-learning, was better or performance is more effective than comparison to residents who used web or e learning method by using all three procedure as assessed by using DOPS methods, it means that face to face/bed side clinic demonstration technique is more effective than web/others method.