About the Journal

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"Journal of Contemporary Medical Education"; Peer-reviewed, quarterly publication: General Topic areas related to all scientific articles regarding medical education, educational technologies and related issues are welcome.
The Journal is dedicated to virtually all fields of medical education and related technologies, methods, equipment, educational course and organization. The journal is peer-reviewed, all of related studies, case, letter, original opinion and educational theories are acceptable. The journal welcomes valuable papers on all aspects of medical education. “An acceptable peer review process is one that involves impartial and independent assessment or review of the research publication in its entirety before publication, conducted by independent, qualified experts. Independent in this context means independent of the author.


The Journal is dedicated to virtually all fields of medical education and related technologies, methods, equipment, educational course and organization. The journal is peer-reviewed, all of related studies, case, letter, original opinion and educational theories are acceptable. The journal welcomes valuable papers on all aspects of medical education. “An acceptable peer review process is one that involves impartial and independent assessment or review of the research publication in its entirety before publication, conducted by independent, qualified experts. Independent in this context means independent of the author.”

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